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A Clinical Hypnotherapist utilises hypnosis to assist the client achieve a state of deep mental, physical and emotional relaxation.  In this relaxed state, attention can be focused on the storehouse of information that lies in the unconscious mind to make positive changes to unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours. Releasing and resolving limitations of the past can guide you to leading a better, more balanced life.


Learning to develop the tools to feel empowered and in control is the goal of applied & strategic psychotherapy. Teaching you these skills will help you resolve not only the issue you wish to address in the clinic but can also be applied to other problems that may have evolved from a similar way of thinking, reacting and behaving.  Choosing to integrate a new perspective into your way of thinking can make all the difference to your personal goals and potential outcomes.


The ability to gain perspective on our patterns of thinking, emotional attitudes and reactions is a latent talent within everyone. Hypnotherapy has the transformative ability to assist you reframe life-long attitudes, that may contribute to unnecessary misunderstandings and suffering. You are always able to hear, speak and sense things around you throughout a hypnotherapy treatment but at the same time are extremely focused on your own internal realities, sensations and memories.  Therefore, a good candidate for Hypnotherapy/NLP is a person who is committed to wanting positive change in their life.

Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) can assist clients with a range of issues including smoking cessation, vaping cessation, anxiety and stress, weight issues, insomnia, social anxiety, pain, phobias, depression, and issues of dependency and symptoms of P.T.S.D. 

It can also assist with sport performance, business motivation and goal setting, personal growth and empowerment and provide you with the skills for effective decision making strategies that are constructive, realistic and specifically tailored to your life.

In a relaxed state of focused attention, the ability to promote a person’s positive mindset and their ability to create transformation in their life is enhanced through the gentle process of hypnotherapy. 


We are all faced with events in our life that challenge us emotionally and mentally.  For some, those challenges can often feel to large and pervasive to overcome alone.  Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy can assist you to gain perspective and help you create new patterns of thinking, feeling and acting through solutions that are realistic, easily implemented into your daily life and will be tailored specifically for you.


There can be many reasons an addiction takes hold but  what is crucial to any effective treatment is a genuine willingness to move on from the behaviours that are no longer serving your best interests. If you are experiencing a pattern of dependency on cigarettes, vapes, alcohol, food or any self soothing behaviour, examining and understanding the feelings and thoughts that activate the behaviour can offer you a new awareness of yourself and create structure and a plan for change.


Hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool to assist in creating a positive mindset to achieve personal, business, sport or academic goals. Together, lets address any skills gaps in your current approach to reaching your goals so you can achieve your own personal best. Fear of failing, lack of confidence, indecision, risk avoidance, performance anxiety and exam nerves (at any age) may instead be met by your own mindset of resilience and motivation to help you, move yourself forward.


This fee includes an audio recording of your treatment session, customised for personal use.  


One Hour Clinical Session


Package of Two Hourly Clinical Sessions


Package of Four Hourly Clinical Sessions





As a qualified and registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, Applied and Strategic Psychotherapist, NLP Practitioner and graduate of the Institute of Applied Psychology, I am trained to help with a variety of presenting issues, whilst at the same time maintaining the highest standards, ethics and continual professional development of the Australian regulated associations that I am part of as a professional practicing member.

For further information, please contact me for association details.



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In addition to her qualifications as Clinical Hypnotherapist, Strategic Psychotherapist and NLP Practitioner, Vanessa Hamlin has a career background in national broadcast media production. Vanessa has also attained managerial, business and logistical qualifications and has worked in national corporate entities and small business enterprises. 


Vanessa is also a passionate supporter of parents, families, carers, allied health and support workers who are living with or supporting a person with a disability.  Vanessa assists in offering clinical perspectives to treat the unique concerns of families and practitioners faced with the emotional challenges of managing care.


Vanessa and Allan Hamlin and have recently celebrated their twenty fifth wedding anniversary and are very proud parents

of their daughter, Ava. 


Vanessa Hamlin M.A.A.C.H.P.



Awareness - Perspective - Transformation

“Today I have been rocked by a feeling of absolute gratitude and wanted to thank you! You and your support have been a beacon of light for me when in a very dark place. A safe place for me to talk, realise, release and learn. Whilst I know this is the direct service you provide, I wanted to call out that to me this has been life altering.” G.A. Marsden Park
“Thank you so much for this positive influence on my life. With the sadness gone its like I can feel who I truly am for the first time. Thank you for the freedom I now feel.” L.R. Prospect
“I have been listening to the recording that you made for me during my treatment session. I have stopped smoking completely now and I just don’t feel the need to continue to smoke or drink. I feel so much better in myself like a weight has been lifted…especially when I thought I would always be a smoker and a drinker and I would never be able to quit. I’m proof you can! Thanks Vanessa.”
S.N Silverdale

“You are a remarkable person and I can tell your efforts are genuine.  You have not only inspired me through my journey as a client but also as a professional. I realised once again that I am right where I need to be.”
M.R. Penrith


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Penrith Office

Suite 8, 2 Castlereagh Street

 Penrith 2750


Please fill in the contact form above or Phone 0410 590 795

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All bookings are by prior

appointment only




© 2021 by Allan Hamlin Holistics

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